Documenting commercial contracts is an important aspect of any transaction and particularly in the context of intellectual property.
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It clearly identifies the respective rights and legal obligations of the contracting parties. It sets the right tone at the start of any commercial relationship. Importantly and necessarily, it also deals with ‘worst-case’ scenarios and what the respective parties’ rights and obligations are when they occur. A strongly and clearly drafted agreement understood by both parties will minimise the possibility of a contractual dispute arising, or if one does arise, it can be addressed pursuant to the terms of the contract.
Poorly prepared and unclear contracts, or worse yet, ‘handshake’ only agreements (not documented), will more than likely result in a costly legal dispute and possible litigation. We adopt a plain English contract drafting approach and assist in the negotiation process.
It is one thing to develop and protect your intellectual property with trade mark registrations, design registrations and patents. However commercialising those intangible assets into revenue streams requires a robust intellectual property agreement to complement it.