Working with our Actuate IP Lawyers based in Melbourne ensures you have our extensive local experience and strategic approach to achieve the right outcomes for your IP (Intellectual Property), Trade Mark and Copyright matters.
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As Intellectual Property specialists, our work focuses solely on getting the best results for our clients, whether providing initial registrability advice, preparing and filing trade mark or patent applications, resolving disputes or addressing copyright infringement.
Our highly qualified IP litigation team can provide detailed advice on intellectual property matters, ensuring the protection of your intellectual property assets.
An Intellectual Property Lawyer can help you protect and defend against infringement of any intellectual property assets you own. This covers a range of ideas, technology, medical devices, scientific discoveries, literary works, art, designs, branding, and many other concepts.
Intellectual property laws ensure that the creator’s rights can be legally enforced if anyone else tries to claim ownership or rights to the concept or item.
Trade Mark Law involves registering a trademark that protects your brand. This may apply to a business name, product name, logo, slogan, or other branding elements essential to your business. Trade marks can be formally registered with the relevant IP authorities. We can assist with:
A registered design protects the visual appearance of a product. As a requirement for registering a design, if the design is novel (new) at the time of filing the design application, the design application must be filed before your design is publicly disclosed. As your IP lawyer, we can assist with:
A patent is similar to a trade mark in that it must be formally applied for. Patents apply to inventions, whether a substance, process, device or methodology. As your patent attorney, we can assist in a range of matters that cover:
This applies to any confidential or secret information essential to your business. We can assist with:
Copyright covers artists, musicians, creators, writers and designers for work they create across traditional and digital formats. As highly experienced and strategic copyright lawyers, we can help you with:
Intellectual property laws may apply to your work if you are the original creator, inventor or designer of an idea, expressive work, concept, branding or design. Understanding the different types of IP Australia laws and how they apply to your work is essential.
Many creators of intellectual property may only understand what a valuable asset they have once it is too late, which is why working with an IP Lawyer can ensure that you have the protections in place before you need them.
If you feel your intellectual property rights have been breached or infringed upon, we can assist you in resolving IP disputes or contract breaches. We have substantial experience managing complex, contentious matters and can provide strategic advice to ensure the protection of your intellectual property.
If litigation is necessary, we will first ensure that we have thoroughly explored available dispute resolution strategies before commencing action. As a highly respected specialist IP Law Firm in Melbourne and Australia-wide, you can feel assured that the protection of your intellectual property is in excellent hands.
If you need to find out more about where you stand regarding your Intellectual Property rights, Actuate IP can help. As one of Melbourne’s leading Intellectual Property Law Firms, we are highly capable of managing all IP-related matters.
We work closely with our clients to identify the best strategies to navigate the protection of your intellectual property successfully. Get in touch with our dedicated Melbourne team of IP Lawyers, to further discuss how we can help you.
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Intellectual property refers to something created with someone’s intellectual or creative capacity. This can be a painting, a design, an idea, a book or a piece of music. When you create something in this way in Australia, you automatically have a copyright on that piece of work for the duration of your life and 70 years after.
Copyright alone isn’t always enough to protect an idea or piece of work, though, which is where an IP lawyer can help. An IP lawyer can also help you search existing IP databases, register international trademarks and litigate possible infringements.
In Australia, the main types of IP protection include:
These protect new ideas and inventions and offers the holder exclusive rights to use their idea.
Trade marks are linked to a registered brand and protect assets related to the brand.
Registered designs apply to any new and unique design and give the registration holder exclusive rights to usage. This may be a car, food packaging, or sporting uniforms, but it must be able to be shown that it is different from anything on the market, new, and has not been made public anywhere in the world.
Copyright is automatically applied to intellectual and creative work in Australia, extending to written works, music, designs, and ideas.
Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR)
PBRs are designed to protect the rights of breeders of new varieties of plants. If you have questions about how to get an application started in any of these areas, an IP lawyer is the best person to speak to.
Circuit Rights
Circuit rights relate to electronic and technological designs like computer chips and TVs.
If you believe that your intellectual property has been infringed upon, you can start legal proceedings against the party that has infringed upon your rights. Likewise, if someone believes you have infringed upon their intellectual property, they may deal with the matter legally.
If a case is successful, through the courts or a mediated process, compensation may be payable to cover any losses resulting from the infringement. An IP lawyer can help you build a case and discuss the best approaches for a successful outcome.
If you are working with others on a project, it’s wise to have a non-disclosure policy in place. This is a confidentiality agreement outlining that sensitive details are not shared with others, and that information shared is not to be disclosed to others.
This may be drawn up with employees, contractors, consultants working on a project, and third parties such as accountants. You can also seek to register a patent if the idea is new, or a trade mark if it relates to business assets.
Working with an IP lawyer to draw up your contract is best practice to ensure that any documents cover all necessary elements if an infringement claim, dispute or legal matter later arises.
Different types of intellectual property laws have different time limits attached:
Copyright generally lasts for the duration of the creator’s life and extends 70 years after the creator’s death. If something is released after an artist or creator has passed away, there is generally a 70-year protection after the public release date.
Trade Marks
Trade Marks allow the person who has registered them to use them for 10 years, and they can be renewed on an ongoing basis.
These last between 20 and 25 years, the latter being applicable to pharmaceutical recipes.
It’s also important to consider international laws when protecting your intellectual property, which an IP lawyer can advise you on.
Intellectual property is treated like any item and can be sold. You can transfer copyright by sale, licencing or transfer. You can do this in many ways and may choose to give another exclusive or limited usage rights as part of the conditions.
Licensing allows another person to use your intellectual property, which may be for a set amount of time, for a particular purpose, or in a particular area. There are many nuances to selling and licensing your intellectual property that should be examined carefully with the help of an IP lawyer before making any decisions that may affect your rights to your intellectual property.
While this is an entirely personal decision, failing to do so can leave you open to incurring losses that may have been prevented with the correct IP protection in place. If you are unsure and would like to find out more about your options, please speak to us so you can make an informed decision.
IP lawyers have different fees, depending on the matter’s complexity and nature. Actuate IP offer fixed fee certainty, which we are able to provide due to our extensive experience in handling IP matters. We can provide an accurate quote for any matter you may be considering, just get in touch.
The term ‘Confidential Information’ in IP Law refers to any private information that requires protection to ensure another does not use it for financial gain. It can cover many areas of your business, including procedures, methods, recipes and specific information or ideas. Information of this nature can be protected by ensuring that correct confidentiality agreements or Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are in place.
Intellectual Property laws vary from country to country and from one type of IP Law to another. Protections relevant under Australian Law generally are not sufficient to protect you overseas. There are different processes that need to be followed to achieve international safeguarding of your Intellectual Property, which we can assist you with.
We work with many clients to ensure that they have the right measures in place to protect their intellectual property internationally. We have excellent global partnerships to ensure that your IP rights can be extended to any country required. Please speak to us about how we can ensure that your intellectual property has the best protection in place, both in Australia and overseas.